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Sony Pictures wanted to create some hype around their summer blockbuster ‘Spiderman Far From Home’ and Headcase were enlisted to help. And because the film sees Peter Parker embarking on a European tour, we felt it wouldn’t be complete without a trip to Dublin. So what would auld Spidey-man do if he spent a day in the capital!?


What followed was the writing, planning & production of a fast paced event and video. Our ‘Spiderman’ (a parkour runner in real Spidey-suit supplied from LA!) got out and about and into all sorts! The 30’ video notched up over a million views online and significant organic PR and talkability, making it a stand out campaign for the studio in Ireland.

We told you first: Spiderman does watch Kilkenny hurl in his downtime!!
— KilkennyNow.ie

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